Friday, June 25, 2010

This Week's Highpoint for Jacob

Angling for final placement...(photos are in reverse order)
Hoisting after a trailer ride around the property...

Loading the bunkhouse up. It isn't a pretty structure quite yet, but is enormously useful for stuff storage.

Swinging Father's Day Sunday

When He Naps...

...he'll nap almost anywhere. Surface texture/hardness does not matter.

Sunday, June 20, 2010


Catching air!

Mr. David's Crane Truck

Weighing the bunkhouse. Too heavy to move with our stuff in it. Will empty on Father's Day for Monday move. Woo-woo!
Quiet time on the porch couch while bunkhouse is weighed.

Never ever wake a child from a nap...unless a crane truck is in the backyard.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

She Plays With Grass

She Plays With Sticks

And, it's finally mowing season (again)!


Out of the nest and into the trees, opposite corner of the yard. Mama still feeds them. They're working on their flying.


Yes, that is a filing cabinet on the porch. That's only one of many items...