Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Bady

In Jacob's world, baby=bady

No Comment Necessary

Auntie Melissa!!!

Jacob's Ensemble

Saturday morning attire, as dictated by Jacob.

More Thanksgiving

Dance dance revolution...
Ang does have hands.

Jacob at Targhee. He loves wearing the boots. Skis? Not so much. Yet. Magic carpet with Jim? A hit!

Sibling shot.

Driggs Thanksgiving

Snowman by Gma Paula and Grandma Caroline-a masterpiece!

Aunt Katie in the lead.
Bobby, Lincoln and Jacob-what a load!

Ang and Will-lounging by the fire, again!

Boppa and Ang.

Goosey Goosey Gander?

Another Successful Visit

I threw a shoe!

You look funny Daddy!

Gigi, aka Carmel


We've got a 2 year old and he loves cake. And cupcakes. And pie. And meat. Most of all, meat and pie!


Thank you Boppa!

Big Brother

Jacob's Favorite Meal Ever

Pot pie with a flourish! Thank you Nonna.

It's a Bady!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Hanging Out

He won't eat a meal without her by his side. For now.

Keeping tabs on her, even while she's peacefully sleeping.

Hittin' the Pavement, 11/01/09


Thank you Dave and Stace for answering the door, again and again! Jacob was a Lander astronaut this year, but opted to stay in for the evening in order to drag the candy basket over to the door for every visitor. This allowed him to pocket a treat every time. Now he has a sweet stash of mini PlayDoh cans.

Jacob and The Great Pumpkin

Kisses for the jumbo squash. Naturally.
The Great Pumpkin dance. One of Jacob's many dances.

Pumpkin, why don't you say HowdyDo?

We've been burning a candle in the pumpkin every night since 31 October. Last night, it pretty much burst into flames...finally.

Little Pumpkin

The View from Mommy's Hospital Bed


Happy Nonna

Introducing Angelina Robin

8 lbs. 10 oz., 20 inches, 8:15 am, 10/29/09

Big Brother Boots?

Venison Processing, Sans Blood & Guts

Tenderloin, delicious
Ground, yum.

Yoga Backbends With Canines