Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Disclaimers: Jacob's parents did NOT set the chair in motion and the chair's switch is OFF. This kid is ready to dance folks.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Minty Green CDC Update

On St. Patrick's Day, I weighed 15 lbs, 5 oz. (normal), measured 26.75 inches (almost off the chart) and have a HUGE head (but not so large to cause concern).

Bunny Time

Wait a minute...this bunny is not chocolate!

Non-Injury Rollover

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Periodic Table of the Elements

Just what every little boy needs to commit to memory.

Another Eight-Legged Friend

Our Tabletop Entertainment

What ever did we do at the dinner table for fun before the Bumbo?

Tropical Swingin'

in Teton Valley. If you can't get away to warmer climes during February, set up shop in Declan White's motion device.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

West Coast Tour-Bay Area Leg

In California, pants are not always necessary, but a sun hat and shades are essential.

Bobby at Command Central. Thanks for sharing with your cousin!

Incognito bug collectors. Or cousins?

Check out the forearms on Cousin Bobby. Geez.

Jacob has started to flip. First one was at Tom's house, stomach to back. The second one, depicted here, was back to stomach.

Dinner with Kelley Erickson and Friday. Because, you know, everybody loves Friday...

Portland Leg

Hanging out with Eloise Fleschner...Sebastian's at school.

So this is the uncle I've been hearing so much about...

...good thing Brandon's responsible for Cooper. Click on the Cooper link in Yabberin' Yahoos!