Saturday, July 25, 2009

A Mowing Tribute to Jacob

Mowing hazard.

Why does this kid always have a chicken escort?

Little Ladies

The buff-colored gal (a Buff Orpington) is my favorite...most of them are being raised for friends, but she is staying.

Cherry Pickin' 09

The tree is small, but mighty. Jacob had a much easier time obtaining the fruit this summer.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Eddy the Sweet

Eddy is infinitely tolerant.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

The First of Many Boy With Mower Shots

We have been taking loads of Jacob with Mower shots to remind him of the joy he exudes with the device in hand. We figure they will be useful in about 7 years. Stay tuned.

A Nice Tofu Smoothie

He's pure carnivore at times, but is particularly fond of tofu. Undisguised as well-think Pad Thai. These shots are shortly before he dumped the blue bowl of smoothie on his head.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Phelps Lake, Grand Teton NP

Time to recharge with a bag of fishies. It's tough hiking when you ride around in a pack like the King of Siam (as a fellow hiker remarked on the way to the lake).

If you've got to go to a wedding in Jackson (good choice Mark and Ryland!), hit Phelps Lake on a perfect June day.